17 June 2025
Sokos Hotel Ilves
Europe/Helsinki timezone

Call for Presentations

  • Opening day
  • Submission deadline

We're looking for presentations for the upcoming nog.fi meeting. Look for further instructions for presenters below. You can also talk to the programme committee on their mattermost channel.

Below is a list of topics for inspiration:

  • Physical Network Security
  • In-House Tools or Solutions
  • Sustainability in Tech
  • Automation
  • DDoS Mitigation Solutions
  • IPv6 for Profit
  • 5G, Cloud or IoT Exchanges
  • Routing Security
  • Interplanetary Communication
  • Traffic Engineering

The above list is not restrictive. Don't hesitate to propose presentations on other topics as well. We won't bite.

Instructions for Presenters

All presentations should be in English and they will be published on the web in both PDF and video format. Please don't include any confidential materials in your presentations. Presentation content must also adhere to copyright law and our Code of Conduct.

We want the PDFs in advance, so that people watching the live streams can follow presentations on their own screens. The presentations won't be made public until your session actually begins.

Some presentations are given by sponsors and some are given by IXP or community members. Non-sponsors aren't allowed to talk about how great their company or product is, because that wouldn't be fair to those organizations that have opted to sponsor the event.

Instructions for Lightning Talks

Lightning talks are very short conversation starters. You can introduce yourself or a new concept and people interested in hearing more will seek you out during breaks or in the evening social event.

If you prepare slides for a lightning talk, a good rule of thumb is that the presentation should be no longer than about three to five slides. Bring your slides to the organizers during one of the breaks.

The call for abstracts is open
You can submit an abstract for reviewing.