meeting 2024.11

B 3.6 Graniitti (Kuntatalo)

B 3.6 Graniitti


Toinen linja 14 00530 Helsinki

FICIX is hosting the meeting 2024.11 along with the FICIX Annual General Meeting at Kuntatalo in Helsinki on Wednesday the 6th of November 2024.There will be a dinner and a networking event after the seminar.

This seminar is free to attend and open to everyone after the general meeting concludes, but requires registration as seating space is limited. The primary intended audience is ISPs and ISP minded people. Some key topics will be routing automation and critical infrastructure protection.

    • 13:00 14:00
      FICIX AGM: members only Kulma



      Conveners: Antti Siivonen (FICIX ry), Jussi Sahlberg (Elisa, Ficix), Panu Rissanen
    • 14:00 15:00
      Reception Coffee 1h Lämpiö



    • 15:00 16:20 meeting: first session B 3.6 Graniitti

      B 3.6 Graniitti


      Toinen linja 14 00530 Helsinki
      • 15:00
        Opening Statements 10m
        Speaker: Aleksi Suhonen (
      • 15:10
        PeeringDB Carrier Objects 20m

        I'll focus on a step to step CARRIER object tutorial, including WHY.

        Speaker: Livio Morina (AIRBEAM SRL)
      • 15:30
        An Operator's Guide to the Quantum Internet 30m

        The vision of a quantum internet is to enhance existing Internet technology by enabling quantum communication between any two points on Earth. Such a quantum internet will, in synergy with the “classical” internet that we have today, connect quantum information processors in order to achieve unparalleled capabilities that are provably impossible by using only classical information, such as distributing encryption keys secured by the laws of quantum mechanics, more efficient distributed agreement, or private delegated quantum computation. The first quantum key distribution networks are being deployed in field trials across Europe within the European Quantum Communication Infrastructure (EuroQCI) Initiative and the first proof-of-concept next-generation quantum entanglement networks capable of more advanced applications are already being realised in laboratories. In this talk, I will introduce the basics of quantum mechanics to help the audience develop an intuitive appreciation of the technology, I will present the status of the quantum internet as it is today, and I will conclude with an outlook on future developments.

        Speaker: Wojciech Kozlowski (SURF)
      • 16:00
        Remote Peering: Common pitfalls and how to avoid them 20m

        Remote peering is a challenge for BGP configuration. A vanilla BGP config can cause all kind of issues with traffic suddenly not flowing how it should.

        This presentation shows the common issues that might happen and presents a number of suggestions on how to avoid them

        Speaker: Wolfgang Tremmel (DE-CIX)
    • 16:20 16:40
      Coffee Break 20m Lämpiö



    • 16:40 18:00 meeting: second session B 3.6 Graniitti

      B 3.6 Graniitti


      Toinen linja 14 00530 Helsinki
      • 16:40
        Streaming Telemetry 25m

        This presentation will introduce streaming telemetry, a modern approach to network visibility that enables real-time data collection and analysis. Traditional polling-based methods of telemetry struggle to provide the necessary granularity. Streaming telemetry addresses this challenge by continuously pushing data from network devices to collectors, offering more frequent, accurate, and detailed insights into network performance.

        The presentation will be divided into two main parts. First, we will demonstrate a live streaming telemetry setup, showcasing the real-time collection and visualization of network data. We will browse through various dashboards and see how quickly they react to traffic in data path.

        The second part of the presentation will shortly summarize the key aspects of streaming telemetry and how it is different from traditional methods.

        Speaker: Jaakko Rautanen
      • 17:05
        Dell Enterprise SONiC and open-source SONiC 20m

        Dell Enterprise SONiC overview and open-source SONiC differences

        Speaker: Mr Timo Liuska (Dell)
      • 17:25 workshops 15m

        This presentation covers the concept of workshops which are hands-on events focused on network related topics. The presentation contains news from the first workshop, held in Helsinki and Tampere, introduced open-source Python tools and featured practical tasks and a competition.

        There's also proposal for the agenda of the next workshop which will focus on building an open-source telemetry stack. Participants will explore data collection, visualization, and inventory management using tools like Telegraf, influxdb, and Grafana, with a focus on practical implementation and multivendor support.

        Speaker: Timo Räsänen (Nokia)
      • 17:40
      • 17:55
        Closing Statements 5m

        Also dinner and sauna info.

        Speaker: Aleksi Suhonen (
    • 18:00 19:30
      Dinner 1h 30m Bistro Linjat

      Bistro Linjat


    • 20:00 23:20
      Sauna Party 3h 20m Allasravintola Aallotar

      Allasravintola Aallotar


      Swimming pool with a bar and two saunas.